Lynn O'
Shaughnessy さんの講演会がこの週末、UCSDであります。
★ スカラシップを有利にもらう戦略
★ 実際に子供の大学進学にかかる費用の計算方法
★ テストスコアー(SAT等)を重視しない大学
★ アスリートのためのスカラシップのインサイダー情報
お嬢さんは、ペンシルバニアのJuniata Collegeをこの夏卒業され、すぐに希望した職を得ることができたそうです。
息子さんは、現在ウイスコンシンのBeloit College で物理と数学を専攻されています。
UCSD College Workshop
Are you worried about your children getting into great colleges and universities?
Even more importantly, are you stressed about how you’re going to pay for your teenager’s college education?
You can find many of the answers you need by attending
The Ultimate College Workshop on Oct. 15 through the
University of California, San Diego’s Academic Connection program.
Lynn O’Shaughnessy, who is a nationally recognized college expert, will provide you with a road map that can help you make smart

decisions on selecting colleges and making them more affordable.
What You Will Learn…
Those who attend the all-day workshop will learn this and more:
- How to tap into the biggest sources of college money.
- How to increase your chances of winning scholarships from colleges.
- How to identify the nation’s most generous schools.
- Why it’s not just “A” students who can earn significant financial aid or scholarships from colleges.
- How to discover what a college will really cost you well in advance of applying.
- Why it can be cheaper having two children in college at once than one.
- Why unimpressive test scores don’t have to hurt a teen’s admission or aid chances at many colleges, including some elite ones.
- The real story behind athletic scholarships.
- Why college savings rarely hurts a family’s chances for financial aid.
- The potential financial aid advantage for families of divorce.
- The truth about college rankings.

- How to evaluate colleges and universities academically.
- Ways to find overlooked academic gems.
- How being a Californian, as well as having other hooks, can boost your chances of admission and merit awards outside California.
- Why affluent teenagers can enjoy an admission edge at many schools.
Who is Lynn O’Shaughnessy?
Lynn O’Shaughnessy is a best-selling author, journalist, speaker, consultant and a nationally recognized expert on college planning. Lynn is the author of
The College Solution, an Amazon.com bestseller. She writes a college blog for The College Solution (her own site), as well as
CBS MoneyWatch and
US News & World Report.
Lynn has been interviewed or has written on college issues for such media outlets as Money Magazine, BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Fox Business News, Huffington Post and The Early Show on CBS.
Lynn is also the consulting director of college planning, K-12,
UCSD’s Academic Connections.
Extra Benefits of Attending The Ultimate College Workshop
All participants at the college workshop, which costs $75, will be provided with lunch and a spiral-bound copy of
Shrinking the Cost of College: Great Ways to Reduce the Price of a Bachelor’s Degree.
The workshop will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Oct. 15 at UCSD Extension’s beautiful new University City Center location at 6256 Greenwich Dr., San Diego. 92122
Need more information? Contact UCSD at
(858) 534-0804 or email
You can also email Lynn at